T O P I C R E V I E W |
annat |
Posted - 06/13/2012 : 13:26:54 Hello. My mother has had malignant melanoma for 5 1/2 years (original tumor was on the bottom of her foot), then a few yeas ago it went to the groin (they cut it out), but for over a year now it has only been in three areas in the leg - on the knee, mid leg and near the ankle. You can feel them under the surface of the skin and they are relatively small. She has had two failed isolated limb infusions (chemo in the leg). Before the last infusion a few months ago, the small tumors could not be felt, but after the treatment they became closer to the surface. The doctor won't cut them out because his says they will just come back, and since she has been stable for over a year, my mother has decided not have have any further treatments unless they progress. If they do, the doctors want to put her on a systemic drug (ipi) which can have horrible side effects.
I have searched through this forum and it seems that everyone has surface skin cancers, however her melanomas are small and below the skin surface. I am determined to get the tumors reduced in size before her next PET scan in 2 months. She has an excellent diet and takes lots of supplements, which help keep her stable, but we want to do something more to avoid these tumors growing. We think our best option now may be to attack them externally.
I just put organic orange oil on them. I also have some Curaderm on hand that I could use. Years ago I put coconut oil mixed with curcumin on the original melanoma (after biopsy) on the foot, and upon surgery the melanoma was determined to be less deep than the biopsy had indicated, so maybe it helped. Does anyone has any other suggestions? I'm looking for an external treatment that can penetrate the skin to reach the tumors. When I used the curcumin, the melanoma was still on the surface of the skin.
If you have any suggestions for an externally applied treatment that will penetrate the skin to reach a small tumor, please let me know. I guess I just worry about a substance aggravating them and making it worse. Thank you!
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
marsha |
Posted - 06/21/2012 : 23:17:52 The curaderm says not to use for melanoma. Have you read this site? Maybe blood root? |