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TONY SPIERS Posted - 03/04/2012 : 19:25:29
Hi all!

Where is the best place to get Curaderm? and who has the best price?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Heirsolo Posted - 04/03/2012 : 17:07:11

The best places to order Curaderm BEC5 is,, at the US$126.00 PER tube.
Also see Curaderm BEC5 eliminates BCC video
TONY SPIERS Posted - 03/05/2012 : 16:28:05
Thanks for that, but I am looking for a melanoma treatment.
According to their published work, BEC5 kills a number of other cancers in vitro, apparently including melanoma [in vitro and ex vivo means removed from the patient into an artificial environment] --
CuradermBEC5 for Skin Cancers, Is It? An Overview -- Journal of Cancer Therapy, 2011, 2,at p732 --
Ex Vivo studies have demonstrated that BEC is effective against a wide spectrum of human cancers and that BEC is, in a dose dependent manner, selectively killing cancer cells without harming normal cells [11-16,32,34, 47,49-52].

Figure 4 illustrates the specificity of BEC on different cancer cells (including melanoma) and lack of effect on normal cells. This figure shows BEC at a concentration of 10 #956;g/mL eliminates various cancer cell lines but has no effect on normal cells such as the sensitive bone marrow cells.
BEC and its individual components solamargine and solasonine have been shown to be very effective in killing other human cancer cells such as Ehrlich carcinoma, K562 leukaemia, colon (HI29) cancer, liver (Hep G2) cancer cells, promyelocytic leukaemia (HL-50) and lung cancer cells but not normal cells [11-20, 50-53]

Has any one tried Curaderm on their melanoma, if so, how did it go?
anivoc Posted - 03/05/2012 : 04:28:31
The best place is direct from them and I believe this is it.. you're able to get it cheaper I'd be suspicious.. I believe one of the forum members "Heirsolo" represents the company in the U.S. and could point you to the best direct source in OZ if the site I posted a link to is not right.

That all said I do recommend you take some time to go through the forums here and look at some of the other alternatives.... especially Petty Spurge which if I remember correctly first was used successfully in Australia. Lots of people having good results and with many just finding it growing wild in their own yards or fields nearby.

I have a whole crop in my backyard and on the little bcc I used it on knocked it out.

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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.