T O P I C R E V I E W |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 02/04/2012 : 22:00:46 Just wanted to kick off this thread, to express my personal thankfulness to the makers of Cansema - Black Salve. It has saved my life.
Over the years I have used Black Salve, containing Bloodroot, Graviola, Chapparal, Galangal, Zinc Chloride and DMSO, and it has removed all my basal skin cancer outbreaks.
I am currently successfully treating over a dozen such Skin Cancer outbreaks, using the Cansema formula version of Black Salve.
All 12 outbreaks have been expunged of the basal carcinomas and I have now started doing a series of YouTube videos documenting my experiences, this time, in removing these life threatening Skin Cancers.
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You can see PART 1 of my "Skin Cancer Victory - using Cansema Black Salve" at:
I offer this in the public interest, in the hope that it might help others to rid themselves of their Skin Cancers.
Warm regards, Ken Murray
55 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
Apple Seed |
Posted - 02/04/2017 : 11:34:13 Hi, I just saw this thread now. Ken it's great the Cansema is working for you (I use it myself) but is it really a victory over skin cancer if your skin cancer keeps coming back or new lesions occur. At most Cansema (and all black salves) are just "band aids"-- welcome as use for skin cancer management but hardly a cure or victory over skin cancer. What other things are you taking (internally) to get rid of your skin cancer for good? |
gtgart |
Posted - 09/01/2016 : 06:25:33 Hi Ken
I have requested access on Facebook. Greg Gillespie is my name.
I went ahead with the Mohs in 2013 on top of my ear, but now it has come back, BCC.
I am keen to try the black slave but just want to be sure that there is enough skin on top of my ear and it won't go through to the cartilage.
I will take a look at the ear photos once I am in.
Thanks Greg
quote: Originally posted by Ken Murray
Hello Greg,
I had Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) on both of my ears and I took extensive photos of the process of using black salve on them. These photos are on our Facebook website at "Skin Cancer and Other Cancer Treatments".
If I had followed the advice of the ill-informed person on this forum "DONOTUSEESCEROTICS", I would have had plastic ears by now. But, thanks to using Amazon Black Salve, both my ears are now once again nice and healthy with no scarring.
Warm regards, Ken Murray
quote: Originally posted by gtgart
Hi Ken
What sort of cancer did you have on your ears?
How large and where a bouts?
I have a BCC on the top of my right ear ridge and wondering if it is safe to use?
Thanks Greg
quote: Originally posted by Ken Murray
Yes Miked, I have treated both my ears successfully with Amazon Deep Tissue Black Salve, and saved both my ears from being surgically removed.
Yes, there is some initial pain, but only apply the salve for up to 24 hours. If that period of time hurts too much, well then I apply it early in the morning and take the salve off at about 8pm at night.
I then apply Annointing Oil (Frankincense Myrrh Spikenard) and or fresh sap of Aloe Vera stalk and/or Coconut Oil and/or pure Lavender Oil ...and that greatly reduces the stinging, so I can sleep at night.
If that is not enough to allow me to sleep, well then I dissolve 2 Disprin in some water and swallow. It helps me get some sleep in while the cancers are killed by the black salve and then things settle down in a day or two, while the scab eschar/s forms and drops off.
Then I apply fresh Aloe Vera sap from a fresh cut stalk and good quality Pawpaw Ointment for encouraging skin cell growth. Also apply pure Lavender Oil to help stop the itching feelings and to reduce scarring.
quote: Originally posted by miked
I've been applying black salve to a cancerous growth in the crease at the top of my ear and have been in constant pain for 3 days,is this normal ?. I've used black salve before with success so I know it works but never had this much pain before.
robbiethegood |
Posted - 10/27/2013 : 22:56:22 OK Anivoc.
Yes I thought that may be so. One point to make is that getting a new IP address is fairly difficult seeing as most people are on broadband now with a fixed one for a while.
I just thought I'd make my opinion clear. I honestly think, and it can be shown I'm sure by testing them out, that insincere invaders are really not too bright and can be pinpointed by questioning and stuff.
Every respect to Ken and all sincere posters on this thread. |
anivoc |
Posted - 10/25/2013 : 13:36:32 Hey Robbie,
Agree that the trolls are frustrating but banning someone is a last resort.Dan owns the site and has the power to do that. As a moderator I can delete post but am not authorized to ban anyone or their IP address.
In my experience on other forums, banned people can usually get back in using a new user name, email and ip address if they really want to come back in.
We get a lot of people coming in leaving hyperlinks to advertise things...and those get deleted immediately.
With People with a sincere negative view I try to be democratic and first understand their perspective. If I feel they are (IMO) off base, I try and reason with them. In the process I've learned things, I may have not otherwise.
It is a hassle and it is annoying but I think the nay sayers coming here are generally sincere....(again IMO) misinformed but sincere.
robbiethegood |
Posted - 10/25/2013 : 10:58:51 @ Donotuseescharotics:
Get out of here and get off this forum.
Period. Go away.
Take your lies and despicable disinformation and go.
The cat is out of the bag, too many people know the truth now.
I think these invaders should be permanently banned from here to stop them trying to cause trouble and worrying people with doubts.
Seriously mods, ban the troublemakers.
Ken Murray |
Posted - 10/23/2013 : 04:57:15 Hello Greg,
I had Basal Cell Carcinomas (BCC) on both of my ears and I took extensive photos of the process of using black salve on them. These photos are on our Facebook website at "Skin Cancer and Other Cancer Treatments".
If I had followed the advice of the ill-informed person on this forum "DONOTUSEESCEROTICS", I would have had plastic ears by now. But, thanks to using Amazon Black Salve, both my ears are now once again nice and healthy with no scarring.
Warm regards, Ken Murray
quote: Originally posted by gtgart
Hi Ken
What sort of cancer did you have on your ears?
How large and where a bouts?
I have a BCC on the top of my right ear ridge and wondering if it is safe to use?
Thanks Greg
quote: Originally posted by Ken Murray
Yes Miked, I have treated both my ears successfully with Amazon Deep Tissue Black Salve, and saved both my ears from being surgically removed.
Yes, there is some initial pain, but only apply the salve for up to 24 hours. If that period of time hurts too much, well then I apply it early in the morning and take the salve off at about 8pm at night.
I then apply Annointing Oil (Frankincense Myrrh Spikenard) and or fresh sap of Aloe Vera stalk and/or Coconut Oil and/or pure Lavender Oil ...and that greatly reduces the stinging, so I can sleep at night.
If that is not enough to allow me to sleep, well then I dissolve 2 Disprin in some water and swallow. It helps me get some sleep in while the cancers are killed by the black salve and then things settle down in a day or two, while the scab eschar/s forms and drops off.
Then I apply fresh Aloe Vera sap from a fresh cut stalk and good quality Pawpaw Ointment for encouraging skin cell growth. Also apply pure Lavender Oil to help stop the itching feelings and to reduce scarring.
quote: Originally posted by miked
I've been applying black salve to a cancerous growth in the crease at the top of my ear and have been in constant pain for 3 days,is this normal ?. I've used black salve before with success so I know it works but never had this much pain before.
anivoc |
Posted - 10/22/2013 : 13:09:03 In regards to the post directly above.
You are a VERY foolish uninformed soul. You come here out of nowhere and anonymously attack and insult all of the people who come here to share their experience, strength and hope using alternative approaches. You also performed a major disservice to the newcomers here who are REAL people facing the harsh and REAL reality of skin cancers and the less than perfect traditional medical approaches they have to choose from to deal with them.
You make bold, unsubstantiated statements and expect gtgart and others to take your advice?
Who are you and what in the world motivates you?
Have YOU ever had a skin cancer? Have YOU ever had Mohs surgery? If you answered yes then, have YOU ever personally used ANY alternative approaches to deal with your skin cancers?
I can say yes to all the above.....
If you actually have, show some proof of your knowledge like raulrosado and the many others here including myself that have.. in other words PICTURES OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN
Lastly it is clear based on your statements that you are a someone who thinks they are above needing to research before making such bold statements, accusations and recommendations.
Though I know it unlikely you will bother to take the time and energy to do so, IMO you owe it to yourself to go read this thread HERE and the hyperlinks within it..
After reading and educating yourself a little on the bold, hard cold medically proven track record / history of Bloodroot paste / zinc chloride paste you might find yourself better versed and equipped to discuss the topic intelligently and actually be able to contribute something useful and proactive here.
Posted - 10/21/2013 : 23:39:30 gtgart, DO. NOT. DO THIS. The pictures alone should be enough to show you!
Using this idiotic kind of treatment, you end up with the formation of scabs, infections, abscesses and the possibility of permanent scarring. All cancers are the result of (as of yet) irreversible DNA damage, and thus the only sure method of preventing a tumour from becoming malignant is its complete and total removal.
Escharotics, and any other 'alternative remedy', does. not. work. They cannot change your DNA. They cannot target every cell.
An experienced surgeon with years of science degrees, medical school, and operating experience is more effective at removing cancer than a stranger on the internet trying to get you to buy some random black paste.
Mohs surgery is currently the best and least invasive option for the treatment of small carcinomas in the skin. It will not hurt. It will not scar. It will remove the cancer to the highest extent possible.
The people on this forum are either delusional or deliberately trying to have you hurt yourself. Find a doctor you trust, not an internet stranger who has never stepped foot in a medical school.
Escharotics is not safe. Mohs surgery is. Please look after yourself. |
gtgart |
Posted - 10/07/2013 : 23:13:47 Hi Ken
What sort of cancer did you have on your ears?
How large and where a bouts?
I have a BCC on the top of my right ear ridge and wondering if it is safe to use?
Thanks Greg
quote: Originally posted by Ken Murray
Yes Miked, I have treated both my ears successfully with Amazon Deep Tissue Black Salve, and saved both my ears from being surgically removed.
Yes, there is some initial pain, but only apply the salve for up to 24 hours. If that period of time hurts too much, well then I apply it early in the morning and take the salve off at about 8pm at night.
I then apply Annointing Oil (Frankincense Myrrh Spikenard) and or fresh sap of Aloe Vera stalk and/or Coconut Oil and/or pure Lavender Oil ...and that greatly reduces the stinging, so I can sleep at night.
If that is not enough to allow me to sleep, well then I dissolve 2 Disprin in some water and swallow. It helps me get some sleep in while the cancers are killed by the black salve and then things settle down in a day or two, while the scab eschar/s forms and drops off.
Then I apply fresh Aloe Vera sap from a fresh cut stalk and good quality Pawpaw Ointment for encouraging skin cell growth. Also apply pure Lavender Oil to help stop the itching feelings and to reduce scarring.
quote: Originally posted by miked
I've been applying black salve to a cancerous growth in the crease at the top of my ear and have been in constant pain for 3 days,is this normal ?. I've used black salve before with success so I know it works but never had this much pain before.
Paradise759 |
Posted - 07/02/2013 : 21:26:21 Hi I thought I would mention my experience. Previously,I have had Mohs surgery. Approximately six months ago I noticed a sore on my face and immediately knew it was basal cell (I am 100% positive that is what it was).This time I decided to try something different. I put tree tree oil and oregano oil in my bathroom and everytime I looked in the mirror for the next three or four months I would put a little of the oil (one or the other) on my skin over the basal cell sore.
Here I am 5 months later and the basal cell has disappeared and my skin is smooth. I am not sure which one is responsible for my healing. Along with this direct application I was taking a little flax oil in my protein shake every day.
There was a little pink area after about 4 months and then one day I was out running and I did get quite a bit of sun on my face. The next day I was a little pink from running in the sun. However, three days later there wasn't ANY evidence I ever had basal cell on that spot on my face. I am now almost 7 months later and still my skin is fine. I hope my experience helps someone and it works for them.
I am going to go to have my skin checked by a dermatologist and see what they have to say. |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 05/03/2013 : 23:47:58 Yes Miked, I have treated both my ears successfully with Amazon Deep Tissue Black Salve, and saved both my ears from being surgically removed.
Yes, there is some initial pain, but only apply the salve for up to 24 hours. If that period of time hurts too much, well then I apply it early in the morning and take the salve off at about 8pm at night.
I then apply Annointing Oil (Frankincense Myrrh Spikenard) and or fresh sap of Aloe Vera stalk and/or Coconut Oil and/or pure Lavender Oil ...and that greatly reduces the stinging, so I can sleep at night.
If that is not enough to allow me to sleep, well then I dissolve 2 Disprin in some water and swallow. It helps me get some sleep in while the cancers are killed by the black salve and then things settle down in a day or two, while the scab eschar/s forms and drops off.
Then I apply fresh Aloe Vera sap from a fresh cut stalk and good quality Pawpaw Ointment for encouraging skin cell growth. Also apply pure Lavender Oil to help stop the itching feelings and to reduce scarring.
quote: Originally posted by miked
I've been applying black salve to a cancerous growth in the crease at the top of my ear and have been in constant pain for 3 days,is this normal ?. I've used black salve before with success so I know it works but never had this much pain before.
Ken Murray |
Posted - 05/03/2013 : 23:39:24 Another good soothing helpful oil that I use is pure Lavender Oil. I get mine from Sunspirit online.
It also helps, over time, using it each day, to help flatten my scars and certainly helps take away that stretchy itchiness.
Another lovely oil mix for treating the stinging after black salve treatment, is Anointing Oil: Frankincense, Myrrh and Spikenard, all in one. But, I buy that from Jerusalem.
Beautiful aromas from these as well. :)
quote: Originally posted by julypanda
Thanks for that. I realise I am expecting a miracle. My sister tells me that it looks great, so maybe I am just being self conscious about it. I keep pressing on it to maybe flatten out the lumpiness and I will continue to put rosehip oil and see how I go. Thanks for the updated photo - looks great. Has to be better than surgery right !!!!
Ken Murray |
Posted - 05/03/2013 : 23:32:05 Thank you for your comments GoodWillHumping. How are you going now, with treating your skin cancers?
quote: Originally posted by GoodWillHumping
I realize this a duplicate post from another thread, but I really want to make sure Ken Murray and raulrosado see it (and you too, anivoc!, thank you).
quote: I want to thank you, Ken Murray. I've now used Cansema on two cancers, one basal, one squamous, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. Your posts here, your youtube videos, and that facebook skin cancer group with all of the photos, testimonials and comments gave me the confidence to try this. While I've not yet tackled the cancers on my face (waiting for my month-long vacation starting next week to begin that), I've used it on the two oldest, trickiest cancers on my arm and chest. Those two spots been cryo'd and excised repeatedly, but they always return.
The salve was fascinating to watch and use. The first cancer, the one on my forearm, was only about 3/8" in diameter, or so I thought. I applied the salve to what was visible, and not much happened in the first 24 hours, so I re-applied it the next day. After a good bit of itching and light stinging, it attacked a tumor (or two) about 1" in diameter, worked on it for about 9 days and the thing just plopped out in the sink, leaving a nice clean (and deep) hole. Within a couple of days it started filling in and fresh, healthy skin has been closing it up. My entire forearm got quite red and sort of hard in that first week, but it all calmed down within a few days. I'm still waiting for the eschar (a/k/a the blob) to come out on my chest, but it is looking great. My body seems to be ejecting these things a bit faster than I most, but I am relatively young and healthy otherwise, so hopefully that explains it.
I'd had great success using Curaderm on my ear, but I couldn't bear the twice-daily PAIN when I used it on my face. We're talking something like 90 applications for a normal course, and on my face it reduced me to tears each time. The notion that I'll probably only be applying it once or twice for each cancer on my face, and MAYBE be tolerating a week or two of writhing pain (lol) is a lot easier to stomach. Seriously. I can do that, but 45 days of Curaderm is daunting. The cancers on my face are comparable to the those you had, with the exception of one nasty one above my lip.
I'll post photos sometime soon so I can join the chorus of success stories. This SO beats the heck out of what my dermatologist has been able to do. Thank you, Ken and raulrosado, for your guidance and support. Know you've helped another!
now, if only the darned pawpaw goop would ever get delivered....
miked |
Posted - 05/03/2013 : 19:41:51 I've been applying black salve to a cancerous growth in the crease at the top of my ear and have been in constant pain for 3 days,is this normal ?. I've used black salve before with success so I know it works but never had this much pain before. |
raulrosado |
Posted - 12/27/2012 : 07:53:06 July the same happens to me check the last pic I post July/2012 you notice the area red but you notice the difference in the new pic after 5 months . But you said its better this like the scar of Mohs surgery . |
julypanda |
Posted - 12/26/2012 : 07:03:32 Thanks for that. I realise I am expecting a miracle. My sister tells me that it looks great, so maybe I am just being self conscious about it. I keep pressing on it to maybe flatten out the lumpiness and I will continue to put rosehip oil and see how I go. Thanks for the updated photo - looks great. Has to be better than surgery right !!!! |
raulrosado |
Posted - 12/24/2012 : 11:45:08 Today new pic 12-24-2012 Happy Holidays
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raulrosado |
Posted - 12/24/2012 : 11:18:52 July it's normal don't worry take time . My look better and am happy. |
raulrosado |
Posted - 12/24/2012 : 11:14:48 July I recommend to use vitamin e and I brought Organic Rose Hip Oil and apply in the affected area. But remember the sensation on the skin its going to be different like when you have a scar. |
julypanda |
Posted - 12/23/2012 : 17:31:43 I just wonder, as it has been two months since I applied the salve, and my scar is still lumpy and sometimes I have an odd sort of strethcy pain coming from the area which is in a similar area to yours however closer the the crease of my nose. People say the nose is the most sensitive, but I worry if its normal or not |
raulrosado |
Posted - 12/23/2012 : 04:37:57 Hi I going to post a new pic the scar looks much better. |
julypanda |
Posted - 12/22/2012 : 16:21:38 just wondering if the scar has improved |
raulrosado |
Posted - 07/12/2012 : 23:37:18 Today July 12 2012 one month after applying the Black Salve from Alpha Omega Labs here I leave 2 photos of the of healing process.
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GoodWillHumping |
Posted - 07/12/2012 : 23:03:33 Thank you for the link. I just bought it and shipped it to where I will be next week. My earlier order from Amazon still won't get to me before the end of next month. Thanks for your help. again.
Next week...the face! |
raulrosado |
Posted - 07/12/2012 : 20:05:12 Thanks GoodWillhumping . I bought the pawpaw on ebay and I free shipping to USA the ebay address : http://www.ebay.com/itm/190501204217?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
GoodWillHumping |
Posted - 07/12/2012 : 12:02:12 I realize this a duplicate post from another thread, but I really want to make sure Ken Murray and raulrosado see it (and you too, anivoc!, thank you).
quote: I want to thank you, Ken Murray. I've now used Cansema on two cancers, one basal, one squamous, and I couldn't be more pleased with the results. Your posts here, your youtube videos, and that facebook skin cancer group with all of the photos, testimonials and comments gave me the confidence to try this. While I've not yet tackled the cancers on my face (waiting for my month-long vacation starting next week to begin that), I've used it on the two oldest, trickiest cancers on my arm and chest. Those two spots been cryo'd and excised repeatedly, but they always return.
The salve was fascinating to watch and use. The first cancer, the one on my forearm, was only about 3/8" in diameter, or so I thought. I applied the salve to what was visible, and not much happened in the first 24 hours, so I re-applied it the next day. After a good bit of itching and light stinging, it attacked a tumor (or two) about 1" in diameter, worked on it for about 9 days and the thing just plopped out in the sink, leaving a nice clean (and deep) hole. Within a couple of days it started filling in and fresh, healthy skin has been closing it up. My entire forearm got quite red and sort of hard in that first week, but it all calmed down within a few days. I'm still waiting for the eschar (a/k/a the blob) to come out on my chest, but it is looking great. My body seems to be ejecting these things a bit faster than I most, but I am relatively young and healthy otherwise, so hopefully that explains it.
I'd had great success using Curaderm on my ear, but I couldn't bear the twice-daily PAIN when I used it on my face. We're talking something like 90 applications for a normal course, and on my face it reduced me to tears each time. The notion that I'll probably only be applying it once or twice for each cancer on my face, and MAYBE be tolerating a week or two of writhing pain (lol) is a lot easier to stomach. Seriously. I can do that, but 45 days of Curaderm is daunting. The cancers on my face are comparable to the those you had, with the exception of one nasty one above my lip.
I'll post photos sometime soon so I can join the chorus of success stories. This SO beats the heck out of what my dermatologist has been able to do. Thank you, Ken and raulrosado, for your guidance and support. Know you've helped another!
now, if only the darned pawpaw goop would ever get delivered.... |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 07/02/2012 : 03:49:39 Yes, great job Raulrosado!
Congratulations on doing such a great job with Cansema Black Salve.
You really must feel greatly relieved to see this nasty cancer gone, roots and all! |
raulrosado |
Posted - 06/24/2012 : 14:36:20 Today June 24 2012 one picture after one week how will the healing process only with vitamin E using gel tablets and waiting the Paw Paw ointment.
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quote: Originally posted by anivoc
Great job Raul!
Great pics.... be sure to come back in a few months with a "after" picture. Looks like it is going to heal very nicely. Congrats!
Ken Murray |
Posted - 06/22/2012 : 01:35:54 One good way to reduce some of the stinging or the pain or the itching associated with Cansema Black Salve treatment ...i have found using raw aloe vera sap from a freshly cut stalk, very helpful in immediately removing these problems.
I grow pots of aloe vera around my home and office and use it for any stings, bites, skin pains of any kind. Remarkable creation is Aloe Vera. |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 06/22/2012 : 01:31:11 Yes, it is best just to use a little bit of Black Salve at first. Say, about a half inch square area. This way, once it starts to tingle react to the cancer and then go to a slight stinging stage, you will be able to measure your feelings and degree of pain that might be associated with the treatment.
Once the cancer in that area is killed, it will not return back. It is dead as a doornail. What you do have to watch out for though, are other tiny clusters of cancers unter the skin, a bit like tiny nut grass bulbs.
If you detect these, then a second or third treatment would be worthwhile, as you can see in my Part 4 video at the head of this thread. |
raulrosado |
Posted - 06/19/2012 : 23:07:05 I use ice pack for the pain and lower the swelling after the second application, the pain was BAD maybe of the sensitive ares around of my nose . Another point of view I want to add I do not recommend to take antibiotics because it not helps in the process of kill the bad cells . In my case I cover everything and that he was in the face a sensitive area because I did not want to leave any living bad cell . If you are going to apply a small portion at a time I don't know if the other portion help to transfer bad cell to the treated area . If someone could give their point of view concerning this . |
GoodWillHumping |
Posted - 06/19/2012 : 22:31:36 Thank you for your guidance. I've ordered both the Cansema and Paw Paw ointment, and look forward to sharing my results. On the largest BCC (about 1 in. x 1.5 in.), I understand I should apply it to only a small portion at a time, but I'm a somewhat confused as to what to expect will happen to the connected, larger untreated portion. It would seem to me that it will get a little agitated... The additional pictures were helpful, btw. |
raulrosado |
Posted - 06/19/2012 : 20:27:38 Hi Steve Im from Miami FL I bought mine here : http://www.herbhealers.com/store/salves-and-tonics and I get home without any problems . Check my pics .
quote: Originally posted by Steve NH
Ken: any comparison between the standard formula and the deep tissue with the DSMO.
I've been using the standard product and so far it's done the job (On my second BCC spot right now - progressing just as expected)
I am planning an getting another jar (Never know when it will get impossible to get the stuff into this country)
anivoc |
Posted - 06/19/2012 : 13:41:40 Great job Raul!
Great pics.... be sure to come back in a few months with a "after" picture. Looks like it is going to heal very nicely. Congrats! |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 06/19/2012 : 01:09:07 Raulrosado, it is good to see you having such great success in removing your basal skin cancer from beside your nose.
Hopefully you can buy some Lucas Pawpaw ointment to use in the repair stage of your skin.
If you do a Google search for Lucas Pawpaw Ointment, you can buy it online from a supplier, near you.
Thank you for the photos, too. They really show the effectiveness of Cansema Black Salve in getting rid of your cancer. |
raulrosado |
Posted - 06/19/2012 : 00:40:37 I have to find where I found Lucas Pawpaw Ointment in Miami Florida . Thanks again to Ken Murray for all his advice and Thanks to Alpha Omega Labs and products . |
raulrosado |
Posted - 06/19/2012 : 00:11:44 Greetings to all, Here I leave pictures of my treatment with Black Salve, Today 06-18-2012 after 9 days the scab fell . I use the regular Black Salve from Alpha Omega Labs but I think Salve Deep Tissue it might be better because it is stronger .
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My Mohs surgery was scheduled June 8, 2012 Dr said it would remain a big scar and if he had problem would have to call a Plastic Surgeon. When he said that I don't want to have my face cut for the rest of my life. Thanks to GOD I found this procedure.
Im going to post more photos in few weeks so you can see the changes .
Ken Murray |
Posted - 06/18/2012 : 02:29:46 Yes GoodWillHumping, i have treated a BCC cancer on my nose, but i only used a small amount of Cansema Black Salve at first, just to see if the sensitivity pain level would be bearable.
I found it went very well. Would suggest you only try a small amount of Cansema at first. Maybe and area about a quarter of an inch square at the most, and put a bandaid over it for 24 hours before taking it away.
Then apply Lucas Pawpaw Ointment to feed the repair cells, and raw Aloe Vera Leaf clear sap to reduce the slight stinging effects. Aloe vera is fantastic for reducing the stinging pain, i found, and helped me to sleep. |
anivoc |
Posted - 06/17/2012 : 17:20:24 Hey GWH,
Bloodroot paste is a whole different ball game. From the reports here I guess Curaderm may work on smallers AK's and BCC's ..
For sure for me it did not work on any of my larger BCC's and I know exactly what you mean as far as the daily yeeeeouch! and then not getting the final kill...piss off.
Bloodroot on the other hand watch out... 1 application is usually enough..if you think it is really big or deep maybe a second 24 hours after the first...then it's just maintaining the wound as it explodes, / swells...dies and heals.
The tumor becomes a eschar that you are supposed to leave alone and let fall out on it's own.
There are instructions here and at the places that sell bloodroot paste explaining how to care and treat the wound as it heals.
For me I kept it covered every day with micropore tape and would dab it clean and put new antibacterial goo on it every day and then recover. I was told not to let it dry out..keep it covered and slathered in ointment as it heals. Once it falls out you're done.
There are a lot of post here from people (including myself) who have gone through the bloodroot paste journey. Invest a few hours reading through them here so you know what you are getting into before you dive in.
Best of luck!
GoodWillHumping |
Posted - 06/17/2012 : 11:04:50 Hi Ken, I have some nasty (deep) BCCs on my face, especially just above my lip and into my nose, and while I've had great success with Curaderm in some areas , I cannot find a way to stand the pain when attempting to treat this area with it. The Curaderm (in that location) is really unbearable for me. Do you think Black salve would be similarly painful? I'm guessing it's due to the sheer number of nerves right there, and I can certainly handle a few treatments with the Curaderm, but the notion of 2x a day, for about 2 months just makes me quiver. Seriously, I'm not a wimp...except in that one spot. How many treatments should I anticipate with the Salve? Thank you. |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 05/15/2012 : 01:49:57 Steve NH: Very pleased to hear that you have been having some good success, getting rid of your BCC's using Cansema Black Salve.
Yes, i have used the deep tissue Cansema with the DSMO, and i prefer it. I like it because, in some cases in the over 20 BCC's i have now treated on my face and upper chest, there has sometimes been a small secondary or third basal skin cancer under the skin, which was not obvious to me, upon first surface skin checking.
Like a lot of things in life ...always get the best quality rather than cheapskate.
My Skin Cancer Doctor Specialist, gave me the all-clear last Tuesday for all my treated spots and gave me an all clear for the rest of my body as well. So, that has been a relief. |
Steve NH |
Posted - 05/13/2012 : 21:17:09 Ken: any comparison between the standard formula and the deep tissue with the DSMO.
I've been using the standard product and so far it's done the job (On my second BCC spot right now - progressing just as expected)
I am planning an getting another jar (Never know when it will get impossible to get the stuff into this country) |
raulrosado |
Posted - 05/11/2012 : 08:06:18 Ken thanks for all the information and the videos I have a question after treatment what you recommend to help the skin regenerate and returns to normal . |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 04/16/2012 : 07:00:40 Thank you for your comments and enquiry. Yes, the TGA are making it hard for Centreforce at present.
I have no connections with selling Cansema Black Salve and am only a user of this product.
You can purchase it from: http://www.alphaomegalabs.com/store/cansema-deep-tissue.html
Hope this helps.
Let me know how you go.
Steve NH |
Posted - 04/16/2012 : 03:17:09 Apparently Black Salve from Centreforce is no longer able to ship to the US Any other source? |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 03/07/2012 : 06:08:30 Good on you No.1S. Keep in touch and let me know how you are going with your treatment. |
no1sceptic |
Posted - 02/29/2012 : 04:33:13 Will do & thanks so much . C ya . |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 02/28/2012 : 18:18:33 Good on you No.1S. When you use the good Black Salve, only use it on on spot at a time. Only use up to a square half inch for the first time and see how it goes. Put a bandaid over the treated area and leave it there for 24hrs. This is important for the salve to have time to do its job of killing the carcinoma with the help of your body immune system such as from your leucocytes and lymphocytes.
If there are basal cancer cells there, it will start to tingle a bit, like a whole lot of little worms under your skin. As it kills the cancer cells it will then sting slightly.
At the slight stinging stage, I use raw aloe vera plant sap from my garden. Just cut off a stalk and put some of the sap gel of aloe vera on the area and it will ease the slight stinging sensation.
After a day or two the slight stinging feeling will ease back to nothing. Then over the next few days a scab or eshar will form, and after a week or two it will naturally drop off. DO NOT PULL IT OFF PREMATURELY. Let it come of in its own good time.
I use Lucas Pawpaw ointment and raw Aloe vera sap on my skin to feed the repair skin cells and speed up the healing process.
I suggest you look at my videos for assistance, to see my personal experiences of success with Cansema Black Salve for basal skin carcinomas. Keep in touch No.1Sceptic. |
no1sceptic |
Posted - 02/28/2012 : 18:00:01 Thank you very much for the quick reply , Like a lot of people I have had some unpleasant hack jobs done on my face & am worried about 1/2 doz other spots on my face. My Dr. wants to take another biopsy & I said , no thanks I am going to try Black Salve which to his credit , he said that,s your choice, No problems . Anyway I,m a bit worried about buying a crap product & paying a big price ( my face ) for the mistake . I believe that Black Salve does what it is claimed to do , My U/name is because of my scepticism in Medical science & a lot of other things that people swallow as normal , once again thanks & I hope all is well with your skin cancers , Bye for now . |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 02/28/2012 : 07:36:45 Hello No1S. I use Centreforce Cansema Black Salve, which has the components of Bloodroot, Chapparal, Galangal, Graviola, Zinc Chloride and DMSO. I believe this is the same formula that Omega Labs originally made and still produces.
Centreforce is based in Gin Gin, Queensland, Australia and if you Google them you will find their Webpage. I pay about $59 for a 0.8oz jar of Cansema Black Salve. Better to buy it in small jars so that it keeps fresh and doesn't settle.
I have also been taking their internal capsules as well over the past week to help assist my fight against skin cancers from inside my body, as well as using the external topical Black Salve ointment paste.
There have been no noticeable side effects for me from taking the capsules. |
no1sceptic |
Posted - 02/28/2012 : 07:03:17 HI Ken can you let me know what brand black salve you are using as there are some shonky ones out there , if not is it ok to post my email so you can send me a message ? Thanks Tony. |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 02/05/2012 : 16:34:14 Here is PART 5 of my current series of YouTube videos, showing that Cansema Black Salve does NOT caustically burn your skin. Cansema Black Salve containing Bloodroot, Chapparal, Graviola, Galangal, Zinc Chloride and DMSO seeks out skin cancer carcinoma cells and with the help of the immune system, expunges them from our body. It does not burn holes in your skin, contrary to false reports by Quackwatch and other critics.
Just click onto the URL below to view PART 5 "Skin Cancer Victory - Part 5 - Cansema Black Salve", at:
Warm regards, Ken Murray
Ken Murray |
Posted - 02/05/2012 : 16:28:07 Here is PART 4 of my current series of YouTube videos, showing my ongoing victory over my many Skin Cancers.
Just click onto the URL below to view PART 4 "Skin Cancer Victory - Part 4 - Cansema Black Salve", at:
Warm regards, Ken Murray |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 02/05/2012 : 16:26:07 Here is PART 3 of my current series of YouTube videos, showing my ongoing victory over my many Skin Cancers.
Just click onto the URL below to view PART 3 "Skin Cancer Victory - Part 3 - Cansema Black Salve", at:
Warm regards, Ken Murray |
Ken Murray |
Posted - 02/04/2012 : 22:07:33 Here is PART 2 of my current series of YouTube videos, showing my ongoing victory over my many Skin Cancers.
Just click onto the URL below to view PART 2 "Skin Cancer Victory - Part 2 - Cansema Black Salve", at;
Warm regards, Ken Murray |