T O P I C R E V I E W |
serval87 |
Posted - 01/02/2012 : 08:16:19 Let me start from the beginning, I suppose. I'm going to be 25 in a couple of days. I'm a woman, and I've always had a VERY bad diet (very high in sugar, refined grains, and dairy), so I'm obese and have been that way since I was a child. I also have had several severe sunburns from my youth. I'm fair-skinned, and there was this one time when my parents took me boating in the summer, and forgot sunblock, so they opted to use the baby-oil they had accidentally taken instead, thinking it would be just as good. Yeah ... not quite. I had water-blisters on the back of my neck and my back peeled. I think it may have caused slight nerve damage as well, because the skin on my back always feels a bit sensitive to the touch. I'm not sure if that's possible, though.
Anyway, I've had a small nodule on the side of my left knee for probably close to 3 years if not more. It stays a lightly-inflamed red, and crusts sometimes. There's also an indenture in the middle that is darker, like a sore. It started out as a regular insect bite, but it took a long time to heal, then eventually scabbed over and became what it is now. There are burning/shooting pains that go around it at times, and sometimes it itches around it. Also, if I bump it, it sends a strong pain through it. It's pretty small, though, and hasn't grown despite all this, but another one grew on the side of my left arm. It's smaller, but it looks almost identical in shape, though it seems to stay a bit lighter in color. It has the same pains and itching, but it's not as severe as the spot on my leg. I've had this one for probably a year or a little longer.
I haven't gotten it checked out, because we're having financial problems (my husband is on ssi, and neither of us work right now) and I don't have any insurance. Also, I was recently diagnosed with periodontist, and we can barely afford the maintenance every 4 months. I also have a mercury filling that is messed up from grinding my teeth in my sleep, and need to save up to have it removed and the tooth crowned, which is WAY more than I can afford.
So, it looks like my only options at the moment is to change my diet/lifestyle and look for inexpensive "remedies" to try and "cure" it.
I don't take any vitamins at the moment, because I'm very confused about what I need. I just read through the Topicalinfo information, but a lot of the details confused me, which is why I registered on here.
If anyone has any suggestions of things for me to try (and perhaps things to include in my diet) that would be more than helpful. Here's my idea for now.
I was going to try the milled flaxseeds with my Greek Yogurt for breakfast, and then intermittent fast until later in the afternoon.
Go on a mostly raw vegetarian diet (if I can afford it), and drinks more filtered water. If I can't afford this I will at least try my hardest to give up sugar/junk food.
Take a multivitamin.
Try not to stress and just be more easy going. I am constantly prone to stressing and crazy moodswings.
Exercise more, and try to get a little bit of sunlight. For the longest time I either slathered myself in cheap sunblock or avoided the sun completely. Would it be okay to get my sunlight around 6-8am in the morning, or does it need to be later?
And maybe try applying Cymilium to my spots 3 times daily.
I'm sorry this was so long, I just don't know where to start. It's all a bit confusing. Thanks for reading, and for your suggestions.
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
dan |
Posted - 01/09/2012 : 01:06:12 Thanks Tom, Vitacost is a very good option.
Serval, if you are ordering pancreatin online, you might as well get the Source Naturals 8x Pancreatin brand because I feel it is the best quality and nominally twice as strong as the Now 4x brand and the dosing would be less. Regarding the fast, I was thinking more in terms of overnight rather than during the day. It would be pretty difficult to make a during the day fast a lifestyle change, which is what you want.
You have the option of getting vitamin D either through supplements or through UV exposure. There are lots of variables for sun exposure including the season, latitude, weather, and even altitude, so getting the right amount of vitamin D can be difficult to manage. Supplements seem safer and more consistent to me. I take 3000 IU a day, but like to get a little sunshine too.
anivoc |
Posted - 01/08/2012 : 18:19:44 Hi Serval,
I and a few others here use Vitacost for supplements regularly but check around. There are literally hundreds of online supplement stores. |
serval87 |
Posted - 01/05/2012 : 22:21:29 Thank you for your reply. I've never heard of the supplements you mentioned. Do you know a website that would carry them? I live in a pretty small town, and probably wouldn't able to find them. The fasting sounds like a good plan. I could maybe eat something around 6am and then fast until 5pm-7pm. Would I be able to drink liquids during my fast?
So, you're saying I should be out in the sun at midday? How long should I be outside without getting uv damage? I was always told to avoid the sun or slather on sunblock. |
dan |
Posted - 01/05/2012 : 01:00:41 Hi serval87, and happy new year to you and everyone! Hey, it is great that you are looking to make changes for better health. I like the things you have proposed. It does sound like you may have some skin cancers. You might want to see a doctor if only to get a diagnosis. I would not stress about the mercury filling for now and leave it for later.
I think pancreas health is vital for both cancer control via pancreatin enzymes it produces and obesity control via insulin it produces so that that is a good focus point for you. A ten or twelve hour fast each day would go a long way to support your pancreas. Supplemental enzymes at night before bed might also help. I take two or three Now brand 4x 500 mg pancreatin (about $9 for 100) at night and noticed it seemed to lower my weight setpoint substantially. If you have the pancreatin pills, it is easy enough use them topically with aloe vera and ammonia to make a Cymilium like remedy too.
Be sure to avoid artificial sweeteners, they will not help you to lose weight or control your sugar, even though it seems like they should. I would also try to avoid polyunsaturated fats like cooking oils and margarines. You do need to eat some fat, and monounsaturated and saturated fats do not fuel cancer.
The body makes vitamin D using the burning type uv sunlight found around noon. Your veggie greens are a source of vitamin K that works synergistically with vitamin D. Early or late sunlight isn't bad though, it helps your pineal gland reset to make melatonin. I found astaxanthin supplements to be very helpful for energy and natural sunburn resistance, which is great for fair skinned people.
Anyway, best of luck and I hope your changes work for you!
serval87 |
Posted - 01/02/2012 : 09:39:42 I was also reading up on Curaderm-Bec5, but it's pretty expensive. People seem to like it, according to Amazon's website reviews, so if the other less expensive things don't work I might give it a try.
Did anyone try either of these products? |
serval87 |
Posted - 01/02/2012 : 08:19:55 Sorry, I meant the nodule on my knee "scarred over" not "scabbed over".