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robbiethegood Posted - 12/21/2011 : 13:00:20

Firstly I have no connection whatsoever with the manufacturers nor retailers of these products.

Salvestrols are the antifungal compounds in fruit and veg. You can get the capsules, but also in topical cream form. Used to be called Fruit Force I think.

It seems to help the skin, it smooths it a bit, and in my case it has helped to shrink and render harmless three upcoming lumps I've had, including on my eyelids. No biopsies here but I strongly suspect they were cancerous.

It isn't recommended for use on open skin ulcers, but you can use it around the area if it's ulcerated.

Unfortunately I came to this product late, and a big BCC was too deepy rooted for this to stop, I had to use bloodroot paste. Scarred me slightly and impossible to say whether that one will come back, but at least now it's healed enough for me to apply other creams over it. Even some scarring is better than having a nerve cut by incompetent doctors who don't even get it all anyway. I've known too many people permanently damaged by surgery to go that way unless it's urgent.

Disadvantages of Salvestrols are you ideally need to be on an organic vegetarian diet for them to work best, especially if you take the capsules. The cream might work okay with any diet because it's topical, but I'm doing all I can to cut out meat, excess protein and trying to eat organic so they work properly. Difficult for me to follow but I do advocate ideally following the dietary and eating advice detailed in the articles here. My herbalist too has discussed and backed all those ideas.

However, depite being slow at least it's very gentle, can be used even on the eyelids like face cream. Don't get it in your eye if you can avoid it, but it seems there's nothing in the cream to harm the eye as such, being all natural fruit compounds mostly, and I've even applied it (Very sparingly!) to a bump I had coming up right on my eyelid rim, and for now at least, it's gone away.

Again, I also agree that everyone is different. Apparrently 5% of the human race don't actually have a critical enzyme in their bodies that salvestrols use to kill cancer cells. Obviously I do.

All I can offer as yet is this bit of experience, I hope it benefits somebody. Do your research, there's plenty of info and some case histories on the web with these type of treatments.

Good luck!

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anivoc Posted - 12/23/2011 : 11:20:21
Thanks Robbie for posting this here. For the benefit of newcomers I'd appreciate you starting another thread about your Bloodroot paste experience. Don't sugar coat it, share the good, the bad and the ugly.
Though Petty Spurge seems to be the new go to herb, I also believe in bloodroot.

Though I haven't tried the Salvestrol based products, I find it interesting that here we are again with another Citrus product helping to maintain or improve damaged skin.

Really happy that you have gotten control over your issues and are on the healing path.


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Disclaimer: The three most common types of skin cancer are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma. While melanoma is the most dangerous type, keep in mind that any cancer and potentially some cancer treatments can cause injury or death. The various views expressed in these public forums should not be considered as medical advice. See your qualified health-care professional for medical attention, advice, diagnosis, and treatments.